Wounds in Birds

Little accidents often occur around the house. Getting tangled in a mess or misjudging a landing ain't funny! Whether it be from curiosity or fright, your bird may get into a little trouble every now and then. There is no need to panic - you can treat minor wounds yourself at home.

Cuts on the legs and around the cere (the featherless area above the beak) can be treated by applying pressure to the area to stop bleeding.

If the wound is in a feathered area, pluck the feathers in this area by pulling them quickly and firmly in the same direction as they lie, to avoid tearing the skin. Keep gentle pressure on the area for a minute or so.

Wounds can be cleaned with a saline solution (1/2 teaspoon of salt to a cup of water), or with a dilute solution of Savlon. Don’t dislodge clots, as this will restart the bleeding.

If the wound appears extensive, or there is crackling in the area when you touch it (indicating a ruptured air sac), consult your veterinarian.

- Last updated 16 November 2012


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