Papillomatosis (Warts) In Birds

The papilloma virus which causes non-cancerous tumours (warts) in many pet birds overseas, has not been described in Australia. However, papillomas do occur on the legs of psittacines in Australia and are thought to be due to herpesvirus infections.

What are the clinical signs of papillomatosis?

Benign warts occur on the unfeathered skin of pet birds. Many warts on various parts of the body are believed to be caused by a herpesvirus, although a direct cause and effect relationship is not always proven. Warts commonly occur on the legs and feet (especially in finches), toes, jaw, eyelids, beak, neck, wing, uropygial gland (at the base of the tail).

How do I know if my bird has warts?

Owners often notice the lesions on the body. Cloacal papillomas may be noticed by the owner or may cause a change in the character of the droppings. The droppings may be loose, cover feathers around the cloaca, or even have blood in them. Papillomas of the cloaca often resemble true prolapses or protrusion of the cloaca. The veterinarian can run a simple test (acetic acid test) to see if the lesion is a papilloma or true prolapse.

How are the lesions treated?

Removal using cautery is the recommended treatment. Depending upon the location of the lesion, several treatments may be needed. Even with treatment, the papillomas may recur.

Can I get warts from my bird?

While people can get warts, there is no evidence that birds with papillomatosis can spread the condition to people or any other pets except other birds.

- Last updated 16 November 2012


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