Cnemidokoptic Mite Infestation

While many owners believe parasites are common causes of skin disorders and feather loss in birds, this is usually not the case. However, Cnemidokoptic mite infestation, also called 'cere mites' is a fairly common disorder, particularly in some of the smaller species of birds.

What causes Cnemidokoptic mite infestation?

Cnemidokoptic mite infestation is caused by a small microscopic parasite called a mite. The technical name for the particular mite involved is called Cnemidokoptes pilae.

What species of birds are usually infected?

Most commonly, budgerigars and canaries are infested. Gallinaceous birds and magpies may be infested occasionally.

How can I tell if my bird is infected?

There are certain typical lesions that occur in birds with the infection. The lay term for Cnemidokoptic mite infestation is “scaly leg and face disease”. Large amounts of honeycombed-looking scales and crusts are noticed on the bird's beak, cere (the area on the face for the nasal openings), and/or legs.

In canaries, the lesions are a bit different and cause crusted projections from the legs, giving the condition in canaries its common name of "tassle-foot". The veterinarian can usually confirm your suspicions with a physical examination and microscopic analysis of the crusts, which will reveal the presence of the mite.

How did my bird become infected?

The disease is usually transmitted as a result of close contact between infested birds and scabs and debris in their cage. However, it is also felt that there is a genetic predisposition to the condition, as not every bird exposed to an infected one develops the condition.

How is Cnemidokoptic mite infestation treated?

Most commonly, veterinarians use a diluted form of a drug called ivermectin to kill the microscopic mites. The drug is given in two treatments. Importantly, bird owners should disinfect the bird's cage, perches, bowls, and toys with a common household cleaner to prevent re-infection. Mite sprays sold over-the-counter may be effective in mild cases. Pest strips can assist in control but should not be hung in the cage.

- Last updated 16 November 2012


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